Venture Into the Shallows...

Venture Into the Shallows...

"In 1954, explorers traveling the Amazon discovered fossilized evidence of a sea creature. From a backyard in New Jersey they planned an expedition..."

We're just off the plane from The Hukilau in sunny (and humid) Pompano Beach, Florida - a weekend of music, rum, treasures...and RUM. We hosted a bungalow party with our buddy Spike from The Hula Girls and Johnny & Shanna from Rita's Lost Weekend, with support from B.G. Reynolds, Hamilton Rum & Passionola. We served over 600 cocktails in just about 3 hours! Thanks to everyone who stopped in...

We also released our "Jungle Voyage" Mai Tai glass set at the party, in collaboration with our favorite NJ home bar, Rita's Lost Weekend. We just posted the limited stock that remains online, grab yours while you can!

Cheers everyone x Magdalena & Vincent


Photos by Dylan Eddinger

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